An Arcturian Starseed, Psychic Intuitive, Empath, Multi-dimensional Energy Healer, Channel, Akashic Record Reader, Light Language Activator, Conduit for Soul Empowerment and Spiritual Teacher.
For those of you who do not know, I am an ENERGY reader. An Energy Reader Intuitive is a Psychic with a trained ability to use their extra-sensory perception through Claircognizance, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance and Clairaudience.
Claircognizance is the ability to "know clearly", to know something without a physical or logical explanation. The seventh (7th) Chakra is what correspondes to claircognizance - knowingness, immortality and understanding.
Clairsentience is the ability to "feel/touch clearly". This is a person who uses extra-sensory perception to receive information through touch and feeling. This ability differs from clairvoyance as this kind of ability does not have a vivid picture in the minds eye. Instead a clear "feeling" is formed and often felt. The second chakra corresponds with clairsentience - a clear feeling, gut feeling and connecting. Additionally, empathic individuals or empaths are highly sensitive souls with strong clairsentience.
Clairvoyance is the ability to "see clearly" information about an object, person, location or physical event that is not physically present. This is clear seeing but not with the human eye, rather the sight occurs through the sixth (6th) chakra. The information may appear like a movie, or photograph in the mind of the reader. Therefore the sixth (6th) chakra also known as the third (3rd) eye corresponds with clairvoyance - seeing clearly and self-reflection.
Clairaudience is the ability to "hear clearly" the thoughts. voices or messages of spirits. A person with evolved clairaudience hears what others may not hear. The fifth (5th) chakra corresponds with clairaudience, listening, hearing and being heard.
My Starseed journey and Spiritual awakening began in 2007. Since then, I have spent countless hours developing my spiritual practice and opened to my natural soul skills. All that I offer my clients are skills honed and reclaimed from lifetimes of experience.
My purpose in this experiential bubble of reality is to be the guide and to be the remover of obstacles to help my clients obtain their Unlimited and Illuminated Selves.
As a Psychic Intuitive Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer, I am able to see the body in layers. The Auric Fields, Chakra System, Mental, Emotional Bodies, Soul Records that are part of the Physical Body (both past and present). I am able to connect with all aspects of the physical. The Meridian Energy System, CNS, DNA records, Musculoskeletal System, Bloodlines, Body and Soul Traumas as well as Reclaiming of Soul Shards.
I offer my clients:
Psychic Intuitive Readings
Reading of Physical, Mental, Emotional Bodies
Auric Readings
Akashic Record Readings & Clearings - both Human and Galactic Information
Starseed Origin Confirmation
Luminous Resolution Energy Modality*
Next Level Energy Teachings, Meditations & Tools
* Luminous Resolution Modality - offered in layers as part of my Multi-Dimensional Energy Healing work. As a client works with me, new layers open for me to access in accordance with their Divine Blueprint and Spiritual Mastery Journey of Remembrance. Vania - Luminous Mountain EST. 2015